Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Post baby weight loss

        It seems impossible when you look at how big my belly was at just 36 weeks pregnant and to think I still had 5 weeks after that. But within 2 weeks after her birth I had lost all the weight I had gained during the pregnancy.  At 6 weeks after birth I took a picture to show that all though the weight was gone what was still left was sitting in really gross spots and you can tell I was very uncomfortable in my skin.

      My ultimate goal weight is 145 and after the birth I was down to 165. So I set to working out as soon as my doctor gave me to the go ahead. I have had a few days where I pushed myself really hard but for the most part I just tried to be very active by starting a walking group and getting out as much as possible all summer and fall. And in doing that my body feels so healthy and I have made it down to 155 a weight I haven't seen in years. Although my core is still squishy from how much stretching it had to do to hold my little 10 lb 12 oz baby.

     My goal is to reach my UGW by the time she turns 1 year. That is 10 lbs to go in 3.5 months I think it is possible as long as I push myself to eat right and workout more often!! But even if I were to end up just getting really toned and in shape I would be happy with that also!!!  So stay tuned to see how the rest of my journey goes!!

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