Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Progress on my Resolutions

Has it really been 9 months already. This year is just flying by or is it me? Haha yes it really is, I mean I am already thinking about resolutions and things I want to do differently next year. Specifically with this blog but it is going to take the rest of the year to make the decision on what to with it.

So last time I checked in on my resolutions things were going pretty well I had adjusted somethings so basically my resolutions were adjusted to:

1.Save money
2. Love my Body
3. Work to be a better person.

So we had gotten back up to 1000 dollars in the savings but with Dustin being stateside, and my emergency trip home we ended up spending some of that and having to get a 3000 dollar loan to get me home. Luckily we are getting paid separation pay, which has helped us pay that loan back so by the end of the month we will be done paying on that, and will be able to start putting that sep pay into savings.
On top of that we have been constantly paying on our other debts (car and student loan) and having talked to our banks are happy to announce by March the car will be paid off!! NO MORE 500 dollars a month payments!! Which also means our insurance should drop that on top of the fact we are both turning 25 next year so that will help too! So although we may not get that much saved this year, we will have a huge chunk of money headed that way by this time next year!!

Love my body. Well leave to states kind of did a number on this area, there is so much yummy food to eat. And its hard to get a workout in when you are trying to keep on the go and visiting. But I came back to Germany with the motivation to do something about it. I was going to do the 30 day shred with my mom, but she is working a lot and had trouble finding time to do it, and the workout is too repetitive for me I like doing new things everyday.
So I went back to watching and browsing Blogilaties videos and doing them. Than I came across her recent video talking about an app. I had to check it out and its amazing I pay 99 cents a month for a full workout plan!! Plus recipes, and an area to chat with fellow Blogilaties doers. I love doing pilates and that makes me love working out which allows me to work on my body and love all the things it can do!!

So I have been a lot more positive in most manners. Of course the Army itself gets to see my bad side because they know how to push my buttons. But I think a trip home with a little help from family was just what I needed. Plus I have started to surround myself only with people who are positive and just want to enjoy life. Amazing what a differince that makes, you hear it all the time but you never really know until you try.
Also going back to school next month again!! I love school and I am so proud of myself for getting a 4.0 last semester, and making the Deans List that was all the encouragement I needed!

So this is gonna be my last check in until the end of the year/new resolutions blog in December! See ya around the blog and keep an eye out for some awesome changes in the future.

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